Friday 10 August 2012

A few failed attempts but I got there eventually! Drawing in uggies

Morning guys! Here is a grainy schlumpy iphone photo of me today rocking tights and uggies... it's freezing here today!! *waves!* hello!

As you may know, recently I held a little self-hosted giveaway here at the QC Shmoogle Bean where I offered, instead of an item, the chance to win a hand drawn pencil portrait. A huge thankyou to everyone who entered by the way!! Hopefully you'll keep your eyes peeled! I'll be running another portrait giveaway in the near future! Or if you're a fellow nerdling and zombie lover, get an entry in our current giveaway! As it turns out, our resident Caffeinated Army Wife was lucky enough to be our winner this time and sent me a photo to have turned into a drawing. I'm here today to share the process of the drawing being created! I procrastinate a while before I get started..I'm always nervous before I start drawing...which is weird coz as a hobby you'd think I would enjoy it more! Im always worried it won't turn out, or that my mood won't be stable enough to handle mistakes (believe me, it happens!)

It starts out looking much like a Mr Squiggle!

Then I do battle with a violin. Man I didn't realise how tricky those things are to draw!!

I realise how terrible I am at drawing hands and begin to lose enthusiasm... look at it and decide I've got the composition all wrong, get cranky at myself for not seeing it to start with and realise that I need to start over. At this stage my husband calls me and says he is having trouble focusing at work and is grabbing a coffee to bring home for us both. I decide to pick this up again after coffee. I then find myself debating whether or not I should continue with the drawing at hand to see how it goes before I start all over. CONFLICTED!!! I was right, my current mood and bit of brain that lets me draw aren't speaking to one another like they should be... how childish!

So I put on a load of washing and here I am again sitting at my desk willing my motivation to make a comeback....

Nope it's gone. Kaput...vanished... hope lost, kicked the bucket and gone to meet it's maker.

 Start again :/

And not looking much better

Worse than last time :(

Start again.

I got there in the end :o) I hope you like it Jessi! I'm getting it laminated for you this arvo and in the mail on Monday!

Also I was bored thismorning and took a photo of a bottle cap. It's truly a masterpiece! HAHA
Oh deary I need more coffee :p

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job huny, you obviously didnt get your talent from my side of the family xx Aunty Rob


Thanks a bunch of bananas for the comments lovelies! I sure do appreciate it you spunky thing you :o)