Monday, 19 November 2012

Learning to knit!

I felt like acquiring a new crafty I'm determined that I shall learn how to knit! ^.^ I gave it a go around this time last year and failed big time!! I think given it's been a year I should maybe try again (funny actually, I couldn't knit so I learnt how to crochet instead... how does that make sense?!) So far so good! Only thing is I don't know how to pick up stitches again if I drop them, or how to do anything aside from going back and forth with the basic knit stitch and even that mighten't last too long! Oh well...wish me luck and fingers crossed my knitting project here gets to grow a little before being pulled apart in frustration haha


  1. Good for you, learning in Summer is actually better because Spotlight has all the yarns on sale. It's always fun finding fellow Australian bloggers

    I love to knit :)

    1. It sure is! I don't come across many these days! And yep those sales are great but my yarn stash at the moment is taking over our spare room so I'm not 'allowed' to buy more til I use some of it...I usual crochet but knitting looked like fun so I'm giving it a go! So far so good hehe

    2. Whoops *usually
      I'm having a shocking day trying to spell today! Yarn on the brain methinks!

  2. How fun! I started knitting a few months ago. I'm working on a spring cardigan. It's much more difficult learning to pick up stitches or make corrections when you're knitting. I have difficulty making rhyme or reason from it still. I have a great instructor; so that helps. I switched to knitting in the Continental style because it feels more natural since I'm a crocheter. I am much faster that way too. Good luck!

    1. Crochet seems to be MUCH easier than knitting, but the basic knit stitch is very relaxing to do :) I'm just learning what I can from the internet, I don't have anyone around me to show me how unfortunately.


Thanks a bunch of bananas for the comments lovelies! I sure do appreciate it you spunky thing you :o)