Saturday 28 July 2012

BEHOLD! my craftroom! you can actually SEE it!

Ok so it's currently 12.30am at morning...hubby is engrossed in a new book (who knew World of Warcraft had a fiction novel?? Apparantly they do..and it's not bad) two hours ago I decided I couldn't sleep so I donned some gloves and armed myself with bleach and totally just cleaned the bathroom to within an inch of it's life (providing it had one of course) AND cleaned/tidied and reorganised my craft room! YAY! There IS a floor in there!
see? FLOOR! and FEET!  
and look, there's actually room on top of my dresser now!! Ignore the bottles of lotions and potions, I have terrible skin and feet and both require a lot of TLC in the form of creams and stuff. In those drawers are my misc. crafting supplies such as twine, hair clips, spare bits and bobs, glitter collections etc. My scrapbook papers and embellishments, and one of those drawers is jam packed with ribbons, trimmings and lace! Pure heaven really!
Behold! My desk! And believe it or not this is clean! My crafty room isn't very big so to save on space I put a bookcase on top of the desk to give myself some shelves. On top is my chocolate mould collection, then it works down progressively from hot glue sticks to staples, to blank cards to jewellery making stuff, crochet doodads, and a Cosplay in progress. Plus my wig that lives on my lava lamp. Oh! And don't be afraid, that thing on my chair is just Larry, my posable felt furry plush spider I bought back from my honeymoon :o)
I even sorted through all my makeup and made it all neat and prettiful. And hey there's a reflection of me in the mirror in my moo cow jammies!
And you can just imagine how clean and shiny my bathroom is... I don't think you need photos of that haha! It also smells strongly of Exit Mould, Bleach and Ajax Bathroom but it is literally sparkling! Much like an unrealistic pussy Vampire named Edward.

So now I'm thinking I should haul my butt into bed! We have guests over tomorrow night and I intend on cooking up a storm! Polla alla cacciatora, crusty breads, tart au citron and other little goodies! And fear not for my healthy eating and weight loss plan, it's not in any danger. I just NEED to have a cooking bonanza! Being in the kitchen makes me a happy shmoogle bean! My hubby knows this, so he bought me the Season 3 Masterchef Australia cookbook and 4 mini individual tart tins for my cookware collection SQUEEE!! One VERY happy shmoogle bean!!!

There's that productive insomnia at work again! :p

Night night! (or goodmorning...or whatever!)

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Thanks a bunch of bananas for the comments lovelies! I sure do appreciate it you spunky thing you :o)