Wednesday 4 December 2013

The Grinchy Shmoogle Bean who can't be bothered with Christmas...

Well it still doesn't feel like home here but at least the tree is up. Both hubby and I are just feeling so crummy about Christmas this year we contemplated giving it a miss entirely, but we'll try and make the best of it; it is Baby Bean's first Christmas afterall! I thought putting the tree up might help a bit and it has... kind of. I'm just used to sharing at Christmas time and we have no one to share with here. No one to make my annual little gingerbread houses for :( It's that time of year that I most enjoy sharing with others and the feeling just isn't the same without friends. Everything in my life seems so scrambled at the moment, I feel like such a Grinch. What kind of person wants to cancel Christmas on their first child?! Regardless of how old he is? You know how lame I am? I went to all the trouble of handmaking my Christmas cards this year and guess what? I haven't finished making them for everybody, I'm missing over half of my lists' addresses and I've put stamps on the ones I HAVE done but still haven't posted them. Can I just hibernate until the New Year?
Bah humbug!  

Thursday 28 November 2013

How did THAT even happen?!?!

Ha! Blogging with my left hand whilst breastfeeding Baby Bean! Winning at life lol

That awkward moment when you think you've finished the amazing glittery shawl you've been doing these past two days, you lay it out and realise you've made a bit of a booboo in your over-tired medicated state... Tried to unravel it to fix it but the sequins make it impossible. It's fixable but it's gonna be a pain in the arse! GAH!

I find this very appropriate in this situation...
How did THAT even happen?!?!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Unfinished Business

My current projects on the hook! Of course it would probably make sense to finish one before starting another... especially when I now have 4 on the go at the same time (not counting ones still packed away in boxes from the move!) whoops! You know how it is ;)
This one you might have seen in yesterday's blog post... my chunky thick rainbow ripple throw in progress... this one has been great for hooking! The thicker yarn means it works up like a dream! The variegated yarn makes the ripple pattern hard to see BUT I do love the different texture and colour pattern than if it had just been a DC back and forth design.

Whilst I was in Albury I actually started working on hexagon 'squares' for an afghan. I've never actually made an afghan with squares before, I usually work them up in a one piece because the idea of joining a whole load of bits together seemed like WAY too much effort. So what do I do? Use up to 3 colours per hexagon so now I have a whole load of tails to sew in as well! I'm not too worried though, my desire to see how it will look once completed is fuelling my persistence with this project... for the time being anyway ;) 
The project on the lounge beside me is a new one I only started this morning. I had about seven 50gm balls of this lovely soft green yarn with sequins and I thought, how gorgeous would this look made into a shawl? Well I couldn't help myself, I started right away! I've only gotten a little way into it so far, I got distracted by watching Calendar Girls.
The last of the 4 projects I started right after we moved here. You see, our Christmas tree and all the decorations we'd collected over the past few years are actually in a shed back in Armidale. I thought it might be nice to make up a few decorations for our new tree (once we get one that is) myself. Our family Christmas tree back at the parent's house has decorations that belonged to great aunts and grandmothers, so it's important to me that as we lead into celebrating our first family Christmas with the hubby and Baby Bean, there are handmade ornaments on the tree.

It's hard to say whether I'll actually finish any of these, I would sure like to for a change! To feel like I'm actually achieving some little goals seems like something I'd really benefit from at the moment :)

It's a gorgeous windy overcast day outside today, with the air conditioner on in here it's reminding me of Armidale and I'm finding that very comforting. I wish I could adjust to living here faster!